Samples programmed on WeavePoint software and woven on a 24-harness dobby computerized loom
Double weave with bead supplementary wefts
Left: Double weave on monofilament warp with bead pockets 

Right: Block draw threaded warp. Block double weave with stuffing. 
Left: Block-draw threaded warp and block motifs 
Right: Summer-winter technique, merging patterns together. Reflective yarn
Left: half-drop pattern on pique threading and matelassé 
Right: Waffle weave on pique threading. Bead supplementary wefts
Left: Deflected wefts with cord and stripping 
Right: Hand-manipulated deflected wefts 
Left: motif patterns and supplementary wefts 
Right top: deflected wefts with tubing and glycerine
Right bottom: Bead supplementary wefts
Left: deflected wefts with elastic tape (no flash)
Right: same sample (with flash)
Left: Deflected cord wefts with striping
Right: cord brighton weave with metal supplementary wefts and beads
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